Friday, June 3, 2011

Shades of Grey

What's Playing on the iPod right now: "In the Closet" - Micheal Jackson
What I am reading now: "Silver Sparrow" - Tayari Jones

So, I finally got around to watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy.  Overall good understated season ending.  (You can't very well top a man shooting up the hospital.)  I'm not going to go in depth about the various story lines but one thing that stuck out to me is the issue of grey.  As in, there is right, wrong and the murky grey area in between.  I thought about my own morale code and I find that I live in the land of grey.   I totally got Meredith's logic in tampering with the clinical trial to get the Chief's wife the drug.  I failed to see the wisdom in her husband,  Derek,deciding that she doesn't know right from wrong and leaving her.  Wait........What?  Where they do that at? 

I get it.  Yes, it is wrong to kill.  Very black and white.  Killing is wrong so you don't do it.  But if your life if threatened or the lives of your loved ones, killing is self defense and therefore, okay.  Very grey.

I would surmise that most things in life are grey.  Those people that choose to live in the black and white (right or wrong) hold themselves and others to an impossible standard. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

To Begin Again

What's Playing on the iPod right now: "Back to Life" - Soul II Soul
What I am reading now: "When the Thrill is Gone" - Walter Mosley

Last year I finally finished my novel, "Moment of Truth".  It has taken me over a year to complete but to see the words "The End" typed on the page made it worth it.  The story was told and I could begin to work on a new story.  Unleash a new cast of characters that live in my head. 

But my thoughts and energy soon turned  to the task of publishing the book.  I have decided to go the self publish route.  I want the work out there to see how it fares in the market without going through the traditional publishers.  The first step in getting the manuscript edited.  After a critique, my editor suggested and I agreed that the story would be better told in third person.  This of course requires a total rewrite since the story is told from the first person view of my main character, Adrienne.  But I am up for the challenge.  I want this book to be the best that I can make it.  I can already see how the other characters will add more depth to the story. 

Well, let me get back to work.  I don't have a year to waste on revisions.  Stay tuned for further updates on the path to publishing.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's Over for Now

What's Playing on the iPod right now:  "4Evermore"- Anthony David feat. Algebra (LOVE this song!)
What I am reading now:  "When the Thrill is Gone" - Walter Mosley

We knew it would end one day.  We just didn't know it would end like this..............

Swept by the Dallas Mavricks??!!!   It ain't pretty getting old (Spurs gone, Celtics on the brink).  There will be a new NBA champion this year.  But the Lake Show will be back.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


What's Playing on the iPod right now: "My All" - Mariah Carey
What I am reading now:  "White Mocha" - Michele Grant

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of "trust" is the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.  Sounds simple enough.  You just believe that someone or something is exactly what they present themselves to be.  If only people were that reliable.

I'll be the first to admit that I have trust issues.  A horrible middle school year made me leery of people's motivations.  But once you get past that barrier, I go all in.  Loyal almost to a fault.  So, the betrayal when it comes (and it almost always comes) the hurt is that much deeper.  It doesn't have to be a major deception either.  It can be something as simple as not keeping your word.  After that, I am looking at you side-eyed and questioning the reasons behind everything.

Mainly I question myself.  What signs did I overlook?  What comment did I ignore that spoke the truth of your intentions.  I hate that feeling.  So, I withdraw and look my feelings away where they can't be hurt.

It is misery when you discover that you can't even trust yourself.

Peace out.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Random Post

What's Playing on the iPod right now:  "Feel Good Inc."- Gorillaz
What I am reading now: "The Good House" - Tanarivue Due


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome to the New

What's Playing on the iPod right now: "I Don't Believe You" - P!nk
What I am reading now: "Blind Trust" - Leslie Esdaile Banks

Welcome to 2011 and the new plan.  I finally finished the novel I have been working on for a couple of years now.  Yes!!  Now all that is left is to edit the manuscript.  The new plan, research ebook publishing.  From everthing I've read, this may be the quickest way to get my work out there without waiting on a publishing company to deem it worthy.  I feel it is a good book and I want to see how it stands up against the competition.

I am currently working on a short story to submit for Zane's anthology.  Due date is March 1st. 

Last note, I plan to update the blog more regularly.  No one's reading now but I hold out hope that one day they will.

RIP Teena Marie


Friday, September 24, 2010


What's Playing on the iPod right now:  "Rebirth of Slick" - Digable Planets
What I am reading now:  "Substitute Me" - Lori L. Tharps

This is one of those songs I like but feel like I shouldn't.  Enjoy.
